Arts and Crafts Vendors

Explore Hundreds of Artisans and Crafters Showcasing Handcrafted Treasures

Creative geniuses show up in numbers and fill Franklin’s parks with tents full of incredible art, knick knacks, and more.  This is the best opportunity to get a headstart on holiday gifts!

We, the Franklin Chamber of Commerce proudly sponsor the Arts & Crafts Vendors.

Photos from Applefest Arts & Crafts

There is no better place to buy gifts for the holidays, special occasions, or just because.  Our arts and crafts vendors are remarkable creatives who produce fascinating work.

Attention Craft Vendor!

Please note that we have tried to make the application process easier for you and for us at the Chamber.  You can print the application, fill in the blanks, and mail it to us, or you can download it, fill in the blanks, and email it to:

We do not have a way to set up to pay online yet; that’ll be for next year’s improvements.  You can mail in a check (if you are a former vendor); a cashier’s check (if you are a new vendor who is accepted); call in with your credit card; or stop in the office with cash.

As always, I appreciate your kindness and your patience.   I cannot wait to see you in the fall!